Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Primary Correction

     Primary correction is a way of manipulating your entire image and neutralizing the image to make it look natural and not de-saturated or less/over contrast. Here are some samples below the left part are the edited images while the images on the right are the original ones:

Sample 1:

     In here you might be asking "what are those colorful squares beside her." Those are called Color Charts. Color charts are used to match the colors and to identify the amount of color that is present in the image.

     Click the icon on the left where the small circle is, then you will find there "Color Chart". After clicking the chart, a white transparent will appear like the one in the photo. You just have to arranged it or match it to the size of the color chart in the clip/image. After doing that, go to the Color match icon, then make sure that all the configurations is filled with correct information then click match. It will automatically match the colors in a few seconds.

Sample 2:

     At first, I don't know what's the purpose of the chart when I started using DaVinci. I thought it's also one of the ways to manipulate the colors manually, but when I tried playing with the colors; it destroys the colors itself. You can't match colors if the chart is not present because the result will look like an inverted picture with noise.

Sample 3:

     In order to achieved this kind of look, first you balance the image then drag the gain to yellow/orange and the gain to blue to give a little bluish to the shadows. I also applied a LUT here. To apply LUT just right click the node where you want to apply it then go to 3D LUT. There are a lot of choices there, in here I applied the ARRI specifically. 
Sample 4:

Sample 5:

     Sample's 4 and 5  are just the same. I tried neutralizing the image using the offset. In the offset panel, you can adjust the RGB colors individually without touching the other colors. I learned that one of the ways for you to balance the image is to drag the wheel to the color that complements the main color that is present. For example blue to orange, magenta to green and etc. It will help to cancel out or lessen the amount of color, from there you can start adjusting the other colors to achieve a more natural look.

Sample 6:

     In this image, you just have to balance the amount of  green since the original footage is too green. In order for you to do that, try pushing the colors to magenta to lessen the green and apply some blue. So that when you key this footage and remove the green screen, the talent won't look off to her background image.

Sample 7:

     In the last sample image, I just did the basic color correcting and balancing. Bring down the lift, gamma and gain a bit to give depth to the image then increase the highlights add saturation to make it more natural. 

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