Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Recovering Blown up Skin tones

I'm going to show some simple steps to recover blown up skin tones on your project/s.

Figure 1

     As you can see in this sample image, you can see that the skin is brighter because the sun shines directly to the baby.

Figure 2

     So what we're going to do first, is to try make adjustments or neutralize the image by lowering the lift, gamma and gain.

Figure 3

     Then, the next thing we need to do is choose qualifier (it looks like an eye dropper). Click the skin tones. Make sure that the highlight button is on. You can see this on the upper left or shift + h to your keyboard. The encircled part are the tools you can use, but for this tutorial we only need the Luminance, so unclick the Hue and Saturation.

Figure 4

     This is how your image will look like if the highlight button is turned on. You just have to tweak the Luminance. Make sure that all the brighter parts of the image are included. When skin tones are already selected, you can now start adjusting it using the primaries wheels. You can lower the Gamma and Gain, just enough to balance the image. Don't lower it too much because it might look saturated or noisy.

Figure 5


    BEFORE                                                                 AFTER

     And now, here's the result. I also added a little blue to the gain and I also lessen the amount of saturation so it won't look oversaturated or burnt. After, it looks more natural and balanced.

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