Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Different Curves

     This is the main curves that we used when grading. Like what I've said on my previous post, it's somewhat similar to Primaries wheels but not the same.

Hue vs Hue

     is use to changed the hue's that is present in the image.  The original hue of the image will change when you drag it up or down. You can use the color picker if you want to change a specific part of the  image. The small circles are used if you want to work with a specific color, if you want just red then click the red circle and so on.

Hue vs Sat

     is use if you want to work with the color saturation either you want to changed the entire image or a specific color.

Hue vs Lum

      is use if you want to adjust the luminance of the colours in the image. You can adjust the whole luma of the image or just a specific part.

Lum vs Sat

is use when you want to work with the amount of saturation of the bright parts of the image.

Sat vs Sat

     is use when you want to adjust the saturation. This one is different from the one you can find in the primaries wheels, because in PW you adjust the over all saturation of the image, here you can adjust a specific part of the image.

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