Monday, April 18, 2016

Eye Training





RAW - The Image I graded - Graded by the Colorist

     The images on the left are the unedited scenes from the color grading reel that I found online. While the images on the right are the graded scenes by a professional colorist. The images in the middle are the scenes that I edited using DaVinci Resolve. Like what I always say on my previous entries about Eye training or copying looks; it's never easy. It's challenging and a bit of fun but it takes time to at least get the similar result from your source.

      Every colorist has its own work flow or process on how they grade a certain image/project. I analysed the after images first, thinking how did the colorist did this and that. After analyzing, I started seeing the image as words (not literally, I don't have powers lol), like what he did in here and there etc. The next thing is to play around with the tools. Until I figure things out, then that's time I'll start grading it.

      For this training, I balanced first the images, then I'll try to copy the scopes and after that, that's the time I'll add colors to it. I don't know what the colorist did to achieved  the looks, I just did my best and used my eyes to try and replicate what he did in order for me to achieve the same looks. I'm not really sure if they are 100% the same, but I'm pretty sure I got the same feeling whenever I look at it. I'm not a pro in color grading, not yet...but soon I will. Have fun looking and spot the difference.  :)

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