Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Nike : "Future is Fast" Eye Training

     We are given a tasked to try copying the grade of the video Nike "Future is Fast". Below you can see the still I captured from the video.

Before and After of the Image Still from the video

      In order for you to achieve this kind of look, you have to do a step by step process. At first, I thought you just have to color it yellow, make it bright put some red in the shadows, add mask and so on; But, I was wrong. I can say that it's pretty hard to do because you have to make sure that what you're doing in a single node is good because it will affect the rest.


     So this is how my nodes looked liked. First, I balanced the image (node not in the picture) then, I did some adjustments with the contrast. After that, I tweaked the shadows to darken the darker areas a a bit and add some red as well to it to give it a warm feeling like the one you see on the "after" image. I fixed the mid tone areas and add additional colours to it, Next I play around with curves until I get the desired style. After editing the over all colours of the image, I proceeded on masking. As you can see, I used parallel nodes to mask those areas that I think needs to be masked.

     And here's the result. I manage to get the look at least closer to the one that I'm copying. It's not 100% the same though. I still need to do some adjustments in the areas, but so far this is what I've done.

     Another example is this one, still it almost look the same but not 100 percent the same.


      The before image is the one I graded using the nodes that you can see above. The after image is from the video of Nike that I grabbed. I still need some adjustments because as you can see the left is somewhat yellow and the right is blue. It's hard because you have to go through all the details of a single image. It takes time, but as you do it more often, you'll get used to it. It is better to give a certain image more details than just edit it with simple grade.

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