Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Eye Training

      For today's training, I experienced some difficulties in copying the looks. It looks easy when you look at it or when you watch the videos but when you're the one who's doing it, it's very challenging. Today's training is more challenging than the previous ones. Some of the problems I encounter is, I can't figure out where or how did the colorist did it, though I manage to make it look similar.

Here are some of the grade I've done for today.

Image that I graded - Grade by the colorist


Image that I graded - Grade by the colorist


Image that I graded - Grade by the colorist


If you want to see the reel of these colorist, you can check them here

Speed Training

      Another day for Speed training. For today's training, I tried to copy this look (image below) for one hour.

     The only thing that I can say for this speed training is, it's fun to do it because I discovered some new ways on how to grade. You can't copy it one hundred percent because of so many reasons, one of which is that the source is different from the clips that I'm using. Getting the same feeling is important because from there you can assure yourself that it's the same.

You can click the link below to watch my training.

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