Monday, March 28, 2016

Grading part 2


Technicolor Look                                         Bleach Bypass Look A

     Technicolor is a color motion picture process invented in 1916 and then improved over several decades. It is the most common color process used in Hollywood from 1922 to 1952. Technicolor is best known for its highly saturated colors. Bleach Bypass Look is style where the silver is retained in the emulsion along with the other colors. But in Look A, I try to retain some colors at least, especially on her skin tone.

Bleach Bypass look B                                     Cross processing Look

     BBP look B is more silver-y than look A. Cross processing look on the other hand is characterized by unnatural colors and high contrast. Sometimes it can look a little vintage-ish or dark than the usual.
     Part of the job as a colorist is to interpret what the client wants to see and how much of the look they want.

Original                                                  Scifi Minority Report Look

Bleach Bypass Look                                        Hot Day City of God Look

   Color grading is not limited to one look/style only. You have to remember that every time you grade, you have to consider making at least a few different styles so that you are giving your client some choices. Then you can improve it after they picked which they liked.

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