Sunday, March 20, 2016

Look Test

     Recreating can sometimes be easy or difficult. It depends on the style you're planning to use. In this entry, I'm going to try to recreate a look from a popular movie that is going to be released soon.


     This scene is from the movie Suicide Squad. Well, this movie have different styles all through out the film. I just chose this day scene from the moviw. In the images above, you can see that it's a bit yellowish-green, the contrast is increased a little bit and I also think that the saturation was increased a little bit as well, to make the colors of the shirt stand out.

      What I did here first is to adjust it using the camera RAW; you can find this section on the lower left corner of DaVinci's interface. Just click the camera icon and then you're there. I just want to remind you that you can only access this area if your footage is a RAW file. 

     I tweaked the footage in here a little bit to balance it. I also used the color temp to warm it up. If you dragged it to the right you'll increase the warm colors, if you dragged it to the left, it will look cool. Then after that, I lower the saturation and increased the contrast a bit. I dragged the gain to yellow but not so much and the highlight to green. I increased the amount of highlight a little bit and also the color boost to make the red color more eye catching.

     The next thing I did is I used the qualifier to isolate the sky, so that when I try to edit it more, it won't affect the other areas

     So here's the result. It looks warmer than before and I can say that I achieved the desired look that I want. The red color of the car really stands out in the scene. So they pretty much looked the same now.

     In this example, I tried to apply the looks on this scene. It a bit of challenge because the sun is present, and the light that's coming from the sun is a bit bright. Like the first example, I did the same thing in here since this is also a RAW file. I dragged the gamma to yellow a bit then the gain to green. I also lowered the saturation to achieve the same look.  I also used qualifier so the yellow shine of the sun won't change or at least will not turn green. So there you go.

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