Orange and Teal is a very popular color palette in Hollywood films. You can see it in almost all of the movies today. Orange and Teal also known as "amber and teal" are being used for almost 20 years. Why is it very popular?, well based on my own observations. Orange and Teal compliments each other because it balances the amount of warm and cool colors of the image, and you can use the orange not just for skin but also for warming day scenes and you can use Teal not just for the sky but also at night to give a cooling effect. In this entry, I'm going to show you how I apply orange and teal.
The left side is the edited version. As you can see, the unedited image looks warmer. We need to make it cooler since night time scenes are supposed to be cooler not warm. It's not that hard to edit this image because if you look to the unedited version which is on the right, there are orange colors that are present already.
So what I did is first, I drag the gain to the cyan/blue color to give it the teal tone. I raised the gamma to orange to add more color in the actor's skin tone. I moved the lift to the blue a little bit. In the Log grading, I used the midtones and dragged it to orange a little bit to maintain the color of his skin. I tweak the amount of lift, gamma and gain until I see the desired look that I want, just make sure that you don't overdo it. I used the curves and drag it up to give a little enhancement in the lighting and in the curves, I also used the Hue vs. Sat to increase the amount of orange/red in his face so that the blue tones wont over power it.
Below are other samples of the Orange and Teal that I've done.
Orange and Teal is not hard and not easy to do, it's challenging to achieved. You have to be attentive on the details of the project you are editing because every detail is important; Background, foreground, skin tone (the hardest part) and other elements are key factors in giving the emotions to the audiences. It also helps achieved that style you want.
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