Matching colors or copying colors from different list of styles helps us to be more knowledgeable on how people colors a certain film, sometimes they use one color for the whole film to make it more consistent, and sometimes they color the scenes or movie based on its emotions. Some film directors use colors in very deliberately way, in order to help the viewer understand where they are in film. Colors is used to convey atmosphere.
Here, we're going to try to re-create the colors of the three images below.
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
For Image 1:
As you can see, the image on the left is the edited one. Originally, the image looks a little saturated and bright. What I did is I decreased the amount of saturation and contrast, I also decreased the amount of the blues in the sky using the curves. I used the curves as well to increased the amount of color in her skin a little bit so she won't look pale. I didn't add or removed any other colors to it.
For Image 2:
The edited part in here is on the right side. Copying the colors of image 2 is easy because, you only need to tweak the saturation high to give it a vibrant look. But that's not the only thing I did to achieve this look. I also adjusted the contrast to balance the lighter areas to the darker areas and increase the luminance using curves. The shadows are a bit bluish and I drag the gamma to yellow/orange to make it look a little warmer.
For Image 3:
The edited image in here is on the left. This look is a bit of challenge. Having a blue source image doesn't mean you just have to drag the colors to blue to achieved the look fast and easy. Well, if you look back to image 3, you can see there that even though the background or the costume is blue, the skin tone is different. What I did in here is, I increased the saturation a bit then I lowered both shadow and contrast to lighten the darker areas a bit, then I drag the gamma, gain and offset to blue to give it a cold or cool feeling. I also drag the highlights a bit to blue, I increased the curves/ luminance a bit so that the image won't look so dark.
One of the challenge I encounter is re-creating the third image. Because it's very difficult to add blues on the scene and maintain the colors of the boat and the sand at the same time. And sometimes, the more you increased the colors, the more it gets noisy.
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