Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Fast Workflow


     In order for you to work fast, you have to analyse first the problem so you could think of a possible solution to that problem. Everyone of us should develop his/her own workflow. One of the things that could help you work fast is to know and understand the parts of the software that you are using.

      For me, the first thing I do is I balance the image first, then creating several nodes for the other things I have in mind. Before you start grading 1 clip, you have to make sure that you had a quick look of the clips/ the project from beginning to end so that you would know if there are similar shots or not. Then if there are similar shots, you can edit one node first then copy it to the rest. Copy and paste helps to lessen the amount of time of work, especially if you are editing a long footage.

      You also need to make sure that you save those looks so it wouldn't be hard for you to go back and forth to that one image. it is also important to be one with the software, before you start editing you should already what it will look like.

      After I grade one clip, I usually look for some clips that are similar to it. Then I copy the looks, if it's different from the first one, I just make a quick adjustments.

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