Thursday, April 14, 2016


Speed Training

For this training, we are given a task to re-create this look

     From the video below, you can see how I tried to recreate this look using DaVinci. Although, I didn't manage to copy it to all of the clips because first, they are different from each other and second we only have one hour to do it; It's very difficult. If you look at the source image above, it was made perfectly beautiful with reasonable amount of time and ideas.


      In this part, i just neutralised the images, before it looks flat, dull and boring. Now, it looks alive and very interesting. I did some minor changes on these images. I adjusted the lift, gamma and gain and added some contrast. I also did some masking on the 2nd image for the sky and used color boost to increase the amount of colors that is present in the image. I also added a little orange to gain to make it look warmer.

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