Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Power grades are very useful especially if your are in a hurry or if you have long footage to edit.
 First, edit the image to the style you want it to look like, then right click it and click "Grab Still"

     Make sure that your gallery is in Powergrade. It is located on the left side of the resolve interface. It is very helpful because once you saved it in the power grade gallery, you can access it easily with any projects unlike the stills where you can only use in one project.  It can also help you saved more time. Every time you create a look and save is as power grade, make sure that you don't forget to put a label on it so that when you work on a different project you would where to apply it.

     You can apply it either by clicking the middle button or by drag and drop or by double clicking it. You can also adjust it because when you copy a power grade, the nodes will be copied as well. It's a lot faster than using the display node graph.

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