Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Parallel Nodes and Layer Nodes

Parellel Nodes

     In my own understanding, Parallel nodes are used to add colours or effects separately without affecting the other enhancement that you do. For example, the image below is ungraded.

     After I balanced the image, I added Parallel nodes on node 2 I dragged the gamma and gain to yellow/orange  a little bit then increase the saturation a little and the color boost.  Then on node 4 I added blues then on the 5th node I lower the light parts by using the curves.

The image below shows the look of the individual nodes after I applied the edits.

node 2 Skin

node 4 Blues

node 5 Lighter parts

     Based on what I discovered, the last node will be the top layer of the image when they are combined. That's why I adjusted the skin first so that the whole image won't look too orange-y. Then added a few more adjustments and the result is shown below.

Final Result

Layer Nodes

     Layer nodes in my own opinion is like the parallel node where you can edit it separately, the difference is that on layer node you can add some composite modes to the image. Composite mode is like how you want your edited nodes to look like when combined together.


     In here, I did some primary adjustments first then on node 4 I added some colours like yellow and green to make it look warmer then on node 6, I adjusted the amount of highlights. then by right clicking the layer bar you can see there the "composite mode". I chose the Darken mode on this one and the result is shown below.

Final Result

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